Posts I Like: Gray Gardens: 34 Shades of Gray In the Garden!

Posted on  |  10 February 2015
Felicia Feaster | HGTV Gardens Crew

Spring is right around the corner.  I can smell it and I'm getting at least two garden catalogs in the mail every day.  
With the theatrical release of Fifty Shades of Gray (you've been living under a rock if you don't know about it), I thought, HGTVs garden version would be a great hit here.

Gray is a hot interior design color, so why not take the chic outdoors? There are plenty of ways to incorporate gray in the garden, from silvery pussy willows and thistle to galvanized metal and on-trend chickens.
Shades of Gray

Gray is the new taupe, and design fiends like the folks at freshome are heralding the appeal of gray in the home. "Modern and edgy, yet timeless and classic" are the virtues of this very "in" color says freshome. Take that tranquil, minimalist tone outside for a truly distinctive garden. 

Eryngium Giganteum Ghost Like Flowerheads
Eryngium Giganteum Features Ghost-Like Flowerheads

Silver Dust Features Silvery Gray Leaves

Silver Dust

Senecio cineraria 'Silver Dust' is a tender perennial usually grown as an annual. It has deeply lobed, silver felt-like leaves; in summer the plant bears yellow daisy-like flowers.


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